An organically decomposed mass of semi-undifferentiated lamentations, measurements of low-level electrical discharge, sponsorship messages, unidentified bumps in the night, everyday facts, strong opinions, doubtful morphological studies of flora and fauna, subjective observations of diverse people and places, unlikely healing practices and more of the usual.

Listen here.

International Harvester | Dies Irae | Sov Gott Rose-Marie (reissue, Silence, 2001; orig. Love Records, 1968)
Toshiya Tsunoda | TTV (Air) | O Respirar da Paisagem (Sirr, 2003)
Severed Heads | Advertisement | Clifford Darling, Please Don’t Live in the Past (Ink Records, 1985)
S.B.O.T.H.I. | V | Nichts Niemand Nirgends Nie! (Selektion, 1986)
Christoph Heemann | Part 4 | The Rings of Saturn (reissue, Robot Records, 2012)
J. A. Seazer | Untitled | Nihon Nihilist (Here’s Some Extreme Japanoise, 1970-1987) (2009)
Krzysztof Penderecki | Untitled (12) | Rękopis Znaleziony w Saragossie (OBUH Records, 2009)
The Camberwell Now | Element Unknown | All’s Well (reissue, ReR Megacorp, 2006)
Phew | Synthesized dimensions for Len Lye Trilogy | Can you keep it down, please? (Takuroku, 2020)
Kent Tankred | PS 3 | Ordinary Things (Fylkingen, 1995)
Roland Kayn | Anisotropy EE | The Ortho-Project (frozen reeds, 2024)
Iancu Dumitrescu | Objet sonore mystérieux | Ana-Maria Avram/Iancu Dumitrescu (Edition Modern, 2001)
Reiko A. | Live at Yellow Vision 2011.05.29 (2011)
Autrement qu’être | Untitled (live at Showboat) | Autrement qu’être II (Les Disques du soleil et d’acier, 2000)
Asher.Zax | L’abolition de la croix | The Last Shall Be First (Raash Records, 2020)
David Gilden | Magico-Ritual | Texas Pillbox (Fusty Cunt, 2024)
Group Ongaku | Object | Music of Group Ongaku (Hear Sound Art Library, 1996)
Hala Strana | Leaves | Fielding (Jewelled Antler, 2003
Kengo Iuchi | 鬼魂 | 苦音の鐘の鳴 (Vanilla Records, 1995)
Masonna | Frequency LSD I Alien8 Recordings, 1998
Andrew Liles | The Tadpole Variations: Two Tailed Tadpole | Ød Lot (United Dairies, 2009)
Harry Oldfield & Ken Thomas | Two | 93 Current 93 present Harry Oldfield ‘Crystal’ (Durtro, 1990)
Pauline Oliveros | Three Pieces II | Reverberations: Tape & Electronic Music 1961-1970 (Important Records, 2012)
Amok | Untitled | Warm Leeches Dance (ADN, 1985)
Wolfgang Müller | Langflügelfledermaus | BAT – Aus de Schule der Tödlichen Doris (Die Tödlichen Doris Schallplatten, 1989)
Af Ursin | Reverie en mineur | Aura Legato (La Scie Dorée, 2005)
Fille qui mousse | Resistance instinctive | Trixie Stapleton 291 – Se taire pour un femme trop belle (Spalax Music, 1998)
Limbus 4 | Kundalini | Mandalas (reissue, Spalax Music, 1998)
I Burn | Peril | 3rd Degree Burns Ambience (Old Europa Café, 1999)
Joji Yuasa | Music for a Cenotaph for Industrial Victims I Miniatures of Concrete Works (Edition Omega Point, 2010)
Niellerade Fallibilisthorstar | Dyning | Hålrum (SNSE, 2005)
Aphrodite’s Child | The Wakening Beast | 666 (reissue, Vertigo, 1994)
Pink Floyd | The Labyrinths of Auximenes | Ummagumma – The High Resolution Remasters (2019)
Werkbund | Fluten! | Skalpafloi (Walter Ulbricht Schallfolien, 2024)
Shinjuku Thief | In the Path of Walpurga’s Ashes | The Witch Hammer (Dorobo, 1993)
Osso Exótico | Corrimão / Comunidade Das Mãos [Cisterna] | V (AnAnAnA, 1997)
Spear | The Names – Low Frequency Silence | Not Two (Drone Records, 1999)
Marguerite Duras | from La jeune fille et l’enfant (des femmes, 1982)
Alice Kemp | Bad Birth II | Songs in the Key of NO (Fragment Factory, 2020)
Anne Gillis | Aha III | Archives Box (Art Into Life, 2015)
Chie Mukai | (excerpt) | Kokyu Improvisation (PSF Records, 1990)
David Tudor | Mix A | Microphone (reissue, Cramps Records, 1996)
Jeph Jerman | 11:07 | 34°111’3″N 111°95’4″W (mappa, 2016)
Lilith | Chapel | Stone (Sub Rosa, 1992)
Fovea Hex | Jewelled Eyes | Here is Where We Used to Sing (Janet Records, 2011)
Throbbing Gristle | (excerpt) | Heathen Earth (reissue, Mute Records, 1991)