Further distant rumblings, doubtful reinterpretations, germs of ideas on the edge of comprehensibility, fleeting glimpses and bumps in the night, disembodied voices and other things without name emanating from various dusty corners.

Thomas Köner | Novaya Zemlya 1 (excerpt) | Novaya Zemlya (Touch, 2012)
Supersilent | 14.9 | 14 (Smalltown Supersound, 2018)
Life Garden | Drub | Pry Open My Mouth with the Red Knife of Heaven (We Never Sleep, 1992)
Jason Crumer | News Rips Through the Community | Ottoman Black (Hospital Productions, 2008)
Sudden Infant | Ne me quitte pas | Ear Wash (SSSM, 2003)
Cromagnon | First World of Bronze | Cromagnon (ESP Disk, 1969)
ERG/MSBR/Das Synthetische Mischgewebe | Stratum 1 | Geosynclines (Flenix, 1998)
Rip Rig + Panic | Howl! Caged Bird | God (Virgin, 1981)
Gruppo di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza | RKBA 1675/1 | Gruppo Di Improvvisazione “Nuova Consonanza” (RCA, 1966)
Electro Static Cat | I Hear My Distant Blood Drive Still | Dysteleology (Freedom in a Vacuum, 1988)
Ennio Morricone | Interposizione | Dimensioni Sonore – Musiche Per L’Immagine E L’Immaginazione (Dialogo, 2020)
Volcano the Bear | The Idea of Wood | Commencing (Miasmah, 2015)
Brume | Résurrection | Régénération – Dégénérescence (Kaon, 1997)
Cinorama | Spinning Thread | Garden, the Garden (PSF Records, 1995)
Déficit des années antérieures | St. Adolf’s Comet | Necropolis, Amphibians & Reptiles (The Music Of Adolf Wölfli) (Musique Brut, 1986)
Voice of Eye | The Field of Eyes | Anthology One: 1989-91 (Vinyl-on-Demand, 2010)
Pancrace | Untitled (excerpt) | Pancrace (Penultimate Press, 2017)
Organum | Voice of the Angel | Tower of Silence (L.A.Y.L.A.H. Antirecords, 1985)
Alvin Lucier | Wire III (excerpt) | Music on a Long Thin Wire (Lovely Music, 1980)
Kuniharu Akiyama | Noh-Miso VIII | Music for Puppet Theatre of Hitomi-Za (Edition Omega Point, 2005)
Af Ursin | Ombre oubliée | Aika (Un reveil sidérant dans le passé décomposé) (La Scie Dorée, 2008)
Eliane Radigue | Backward 76/Onward 76 | Vice – Versa, Etc… (reissue, Important Records, 2009)
Eric Lunde | Hang of the Narrow (studio) | Witness to Disaster/Hang of the Narrow (V2 Archief, 1992)
Eyeless in Gaza | Marionette | All Under the Leaves, the Leaves of Life (Ambivalent Scale, 1996)